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  • cbenayed


I am feeling sort of inspired and now ready ( being an art student for the past three years since access) and being the age I am and being quite nostalgic about things of the past...whether a good topic for my final major project would be an illustrated account of things to do with mine and my late husbands' childhoods and general landmarks of our lives? My husband was from a completely different culture and I would love to document some of the things I remember him talking about. I think it could be quite an interesting historical document appealing to people who can remember and relate to the things I want to draw. I would also be honouring his memory by doing this and even if no one else is interested I'm sure it would be a nice thing for me to leave to posterity. especially as things are changing and have changed so fast and old traditions are forgotten and lost even in countries like Tunisia which is where my husband came from. But I know you said it shouldn't be too personal or personally cathartic so this is why I am asking you now what you think of this idea! as I could equally think of some other things but want to get started as soon as possible if this is a good idea! I'll be copying from photos that inspire me of people places and things....and I feel inspired!

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